


By the youth for the youth.

An initiative by STEM October’s class of 2022, Youth Science Journal is the first Egyptian scientific journal published by high school students, for high school students.

Carefully tailored, thoroughly edited.

All issues go through extensive reviews and quality checks to make sure our content satisfies our high standards.

Unmatched versatility, exceptional consistency.

Our journal presents issues on a monthly basis, each featuring a number of articles in any of a wide range of scientific fields, from neuroscience to mathematics.

Supporting talents, fostering the talented.

Any high school student can submit a manuscript to be featured in one of our issues, provided it’s approved by our editors. Furthermore, they could become a writer for the journal if their submitted manuscript is deemed exceptional or otherwise through a regular application/interview process.

Our Team

As the saying goes: Behind every great journal, a great team. That’s how it goes…. I guess?

Advisory Team

It always seems impossible until it is done.

Mo'men Ashraf


Moemen Wael

former Co-President

Mazen Abdelsttar


Gasser Alwasify

former Co-President

Salma Alkosha


Akmal Hashad

former Editor in Chief

Omar Aboolo


Ahmed Ayman

Former Vice-president

Abdulhakim Fahmy


Ahmed Moussa

former Managing Researcher

Mariem El-Kady


Mohanad Elagan

Former Vice-president & Website Manager

Belal Abdlnabi

Editor in-chief

Shehab Shiref

Former President

Abdelrahman Abdelwahab

Editor in-chief
Fady John

Radwa Ashraf

former Editor In chief

Nurbike Akhmetzhan

International outreach director
Fady John

Mikhael Mounay

Website Manager

Adam Mohamed


Mohamed Abdelmeguid

Former Co-President

Mohamed Abd El-Hamid

Former Co-President

Mohamed Mashhour

Former Editor-In-Chief
! Our Mission

We aspire to promote young researchers and writers by walking them through the standard procedures of publishing a scientific article; that is, delivering a manuscript, editing & peer-review, and finally acceptance or rejection. Through our monthly-issues, we hope to bring the hard work of those writers to light while also providing a constant stream of quality, entertaining, and highly scrutinized content for readers hungry for science. These articles, however, are but an initial spark that encourages readers to go beyond and delve more deeply into their topics of interest on their own, advertising independent research and self-learning.